Resident Voting Assistance Policy

With the increased challenges presented by COVID-19, the ability of our residents to vote in the upcoming 2020 election presents the need to outline additional policies and steps to ensure all residents desiring to vote can. With CDC recommendations to avoid large gatherings, social distancing and the recommendations to the elderly with health conditions to limit leaving their facility/community, various exposure quarantine recommendations, steps are being taken to assist with ensuring loved ones or election officials can assist residents needing help with voting.  For most residents, the recommendation by voting assistance/advocacy groups, election assistance programs and health officials is to vote by mail (absentee ballot), if possible.

Plans have been developed within the guidelines from federal and state health care and elections officials to communicate with residents and their family representative to ensure residents desiring to vote have the resources available to help them to obtain ballots; understand when they are due; how to obtain help with voting, where needed, and ensure completed ballots are returned to the appropriate election location. 

It is our goal to ensure all eligible residents desiring to vote are able to cast their vote. The facility will coordinate with residents and election officials regarding a plan to ensure residents can exercise their right to vote, whether by mail, absentee, curb-side, or other authorized process. 

The facility is committed to coordinate with NC resources to take advantage of existing programs to help residents to vote. This includes, mobile polling, and assistance in registering to vote, requesting an absentee ballot, or completing and returning a ballot from an agent of the Resident’s choosing, including a family representative, LTC Ombudsman or Multi-Partisan Assistance Team (MAT). 

Additional free resources which can help residents register to vote, request a mail-in ballot, and track the status of their ballots are available for the resident or their representative at 

Assistance may include: 

  • Assistance in ensuring resident is registered to vote, requesting an absentee ballot, or ensuring assistance in completing a ballot from an agent of the Resident’s choosing, including a family representative, LTC Ombudsmen, MAT or other individuals permitted to perform these functions, per state law. However, residents and families are being reminded it cannot be a facility staff member. The facility will assist in facilitating meetings with the designated person preferably outdoors or inside the facility and in a manner that follows infection control guidelines.
  • Use where possible of Mobile Polling at facility performed by a bipartisan team of workers called Multi-Partisan Assistance Team (MAT)
  • For residents who are otherwise unable to cast their ballots in-person, the facility will ensure, as much as possible, residents receive and send their ballots via the U.S. Postal Service, or other authorized mechanism allowed by the state or locality.

Ensure residents are prepared to vote by: 

  • Communicating with residents and their representative to determine those desiring to vote including but not limited to signage throughout facility.
  • Keeping a record of the offer for voting assistance, any resident requests or declinations. 
  • Establishing a list of individuals requesting assistance.
  • Helping to verify that the resident’s voter registration is up-to-date; 
    • Supporting residents to register to vote with approved assistance filling out either paper-based or online registration forms; 
    • Assisting with any voter ID requirements, including help with securing any needed ID. 
  • Helping residents to request an absentee ballot.
  • Facilitating a scheduled in-person meeting with the designated person to assist with voting. Permit such a designated person to a private outdoor location such as the back overhang or if necessary an indoor location such as the business office, even if normal indoor visitation is not otherwise permitted, provided meets CDC safety screenings and safety precautions. 
    • Implementing appropriate safeguards for that meeting, such as: 
      • Requiring, and when necessary, providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for visitors. 
      • Meeting outdoors, wherever and whenever feasible.
      • Refusing contact with anyone who does not meet screening criteria or who is actively contagious with COVID during the period of contagion. 
      • Providing free testing, if the facility makes testing a requirement for contact. 
  • The facility Administrator will be the point of contact regarding assistance and scheduling assistance times with family representative, LTC Ombudsman or local MAT representatives. Please call 704-878-0046 or email [email protected] 
  • Ensuring that staff members are provided with training and guidance. 
  • Reminding staff that they are not authorized to decide who is eligible to vote. Anyone expressing a desire to vote should be allowed to vote.
  • Providing stamps, envelopes or other materials as needed to mail in their ballots. 
  • Assisting residents with tracking their absentee ballot to ensure ballot application and absentee ballots are received. Tracking is available at